Welcome to the Network Edition installation guide.

First of all, I would like to assure you that the whole process of installation will be easier than you would have thought. If you follow this guide properly, you should be able to get your Network Edition set up in about 5 minutes.

All you have to do is give yourself a little bit of patience to finish this installation guide, and you will be able to share your data in no time.

Installation Steps

  1. Choose a Network Sharing Models
  2. Find out the IPv4 address of the 1st computer or Server Computer
  3. 1st computer: Install Firebird 2.5 Server to enable data sharing
  4. 1st computer: Install Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition)
  5. 2nd computer: Install Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition)
  6. Troubleshoot: Firewall related issues
  7. Troubleshoot: Miscellaneous
  8. Remote Support for Network Edition Installation

Network Sharing Models

There are 2 types of network sharing models that you may consider. However, it is highly recommended that you go with the easiest and most commonly used 2-Computer network model, unless you are very tech-savvy or you have an in-house IT department to support the Server Computer network model.

Note: This guide assumes that you are installing with the 2-Computer network model, but the steps for the Server Computer network model are identical.

  1. 2-Computer model - Firebird 2.5 server is installed on the 1st computer where the first copy of Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) will be installed

    2-Computer model

  2. Server Computer model - Firebird 2.5 server is installed on a separate Server Computer

    Server Computer model

IPv4 address of the 1st computer or Server Computer

You will need to know the IPv4 address of the computer where Firebird 2.5 server is installed, so that you could enter this IPv4 address in the Server IP field below.

Visit here to learn how to find out the IP address of the 1st computer or Server Computer.

For the purpose of this guide, assuming that the IPv4 address is like the screenshot below for the:

IPv4 for the 1st computer

1st computer: Install Firebird

In order to enable data sharing, you will need to install Firebird Database Server version 2.5 on the first computer.

Please download the Windows installer for EITHER 32-bit or 64-bit database server from the links below:

Download 32-bit Firebird 2.5 database server Windows installer

Download 64-bit Firebird 2.5 database server Windows installer

ONLY Firebird version 2.5 is supported. DO NOT use other Firebird versions. Network Edition only supports Firebird 2.5 installation on Windows with default options.

After downloading Firebird 2.5 Windows installer, install the database server:

Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions by accepting the default options. DO NOT change the default options unless you know exactly what you are doing.


  1. The database server is only required on the computer that will host the shared data file. Therefore you need to install Firebird 2.5 server ONLY ONCE.
  2. For most use cases, you may just install Firebird 2.5 server on the computer where the first copy of Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) will be installed. (2-Computer model)
  3. For bigger organizations that have an in-house IT department which can handle more complicated networking setup, you may also install Firebird 2.5 server on a separate Server Computer. (Server Computer model)
  4. If you want to access and share an EXISTING data file, remember to copy this data file to the computer where Firebird 2.5 server is installed. Note: Your existing data file is at

    C:\Users\<User Profile Name>\AppData\Roaming\Chrysanth\Data\DB.CSDB

    (Please note that this is a hidden folder in your system, you will need to make it visible by changing the Windows Explorer option first)

1st computer: Install Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition)

Once Firebird 2.5 server is successfully installed, you may now install and run Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition). On your first run, the Network Edition will prompt you for network connection settings as shown below.

Server IP for the 1st computer when Firebird 2.5 server is installed on the same computer

Network Connection Settings:

  • For most use cases, you just need to enter values for Server IP and Path to Data File while keeping the default values for other fields in File->Network Connection.
  • Server IP - the IPv4 address of the computer that hosts the data file, which is also the computer that you installed Firebird 2.5 server just now.

    For most use cases, you will be installing Firebird 2.5 server on the first computer where Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) will be installed. Therefore you should just enter the value of '' or 'localhost'. Using the 2-Computer model diagram above, we may also enter the example IPv4 of ''. Consult your IT Department or visit here to learn how to find out the IP address of the 1st Computer.

    If Firebird 2.5 server is installed on a separate Server Computer, then you will need to enter the IPv4 address of the Server Computer here. Using the Server Computer model diagram above, we would enter the example IPv4 of ''. Consult your IT Department or visit here to learn how to find out the IP address of the Server Computer.
  • Server Port - the port number for Firebird 2.5 server that accepts incoming connections. Defaults to 3050.
  • Path to Data File - the absolute path for the data file on the computer where Firebird server 2.5 is installed, e.g.

    C:\Users\<User Profile Name>\AppData\Roaming\Chrysanth\Data\DB.CSDB

    Note: Make sure that this location is writable by Firebird 2.5 server.
    Note: Path to Data File in the Network Connection settings MUST be the same for all Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) setup. If the Path to Data File is C:\Data\DB.CSDB on your first computer, then on your second computer (or others) it must be EXACTLY the same C:\Data\DB.CSDB.
  • Server Username - the username of a Firebird user account. Defaults to sysdba. Make sure that all Network Edition users who are accessing the same shared data file is making use of the same Firebird user account.
  • Server Password - the password of the same Firebird user account. Defaults to masterkey.
  • Open - if you have an existing data file that you would like to access, you just have to specify in the "Path to Data File" where you keep the existing data file on the computer that Firebird 2.5 server is installed, then click Open.
  • Create - if you would like to start with a new data file, you just have to specify in the "Path to Data File" where you want to store the data file on the computer that Firebird 2.5 server is installed, then click Create.

2nd computer: Install Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition)

After successfully setting up Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) on the first computer, you may proceed to install Network Edition on the second computer. Remember that you DO NOT need to install Firebird server 2.5 again.

Server IP for the 2nd computer's Network Connection

Network Connection Settings:

  • Server IP - the IPv4 address of the computer that hosts the data file, which is also the computer that you installed Firebird 2.5 server just now.

    For most use cases, you will be installing Firebird 2.5 server on the first computer where Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) will be installed. Therefore you will need to find out the IPv4 address of the first computer. Using the 2-Computer model diagram above, we would enter the example IPv4 of ''. Consult your IT Department or visit here to learn how to find out the IP address of the 1st Computer

    If Firebird 2.5 server is installed on a separate Server Computer, then you will need to enter the IPv4 address of the Server Computer here. Using the Server Computer model diagram above, we would enter the example IPv4 of ''. Consult your IT Department or visit here to learn how to find out the IP address of the Server Computer
  • Note: The ONLY difference ALLOWED in the Network Connection Settings for all computers is Server IP, the rest of the settings MUST BE THE SAME. Please make sure that you enter EXACTLY the same Path to Data File value on your 2nd computer where you want to access the shared data file. E.g. if you enter C:\Data\DB.CSDB on the 1st computer, then make sure that you enter the same value, i.e. C:\Data\DB.CSDB on the 2nd computer.

Troubleshoot: Firewall Issues

  • Whether you are running Windows default Firewall service, or a different Firewall software from other vendors, make sure that the port for Firebird 2.5 server connection is open.
  • If you are sure that every setting on the 2nd computer is correct, yet you still encounter connection problem from the 2nd computer, then it is very likely that the Firewall on the 1st computer or Server Computer has blocked the port for incoming connection.
  • In that case, just add an exception to your Firewall rules to allow for incoming connections to the Firebird 2.5 server port, which is by default 3050.
  • Kindly note that Firewall setup is beyond my support scope, as different Firewall products may have different steps for adding firewall rules, you may refer to your vendor's user guide.

Troubleshoot: Miscellaneous

If you cannot open or create your data file after installation, you may check the following:

  1. If you are running Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) on the same computer where Firebird 2.5 server is installed (2-Computer model):
    • Make sure that you are installing Firebird 2.5 server with all default values
    • Make sure that Firebird server is running
    • Check the Server IP, make sure that it's either current computer's assigned IP or or localhost
    • Make sure that the Path to Data File location is writable by the Firebird 2.5 server
    • Check the Path to Data File format, it must be in absolute path format, e.g. C:\Data\DB.CSDB
  2. If you are running Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) on the 2nd computer, or you installed Firebird 2.5 server on a Server Computer (Server Computer model):

Remote Support for Network Edition Installation

The whole installation process is very simple and straightforward. If you follow the installation guide carefully, it should take probably around 5 minutes for both Firebird 2.5 server and Chrysanth Cheque Writer (Network Edition) installations.

However, if you still have problem setting up the Firebird server on your Windows computer, you may consider purchasing the optional Remote Support for Network Edition Installation.
